Bleach Live Action Movie Optioned By Warner Bros.

March 22, 2010 | 2:22 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

THIS! This is news of an outrageous nature! How many of you out there are Bleach fans? I am, as you may have guessed from some crap I drew one time. Given the abominations that was the DBZ movie, do we have any faith in American studios to do a manga/anime series justice? I know Cowboy Bebop and Akira have both been tossed around in Hollywood, and I don’t have particularly warm sentiments towards either project.

But let’s try to make this fun! What horrible white-washed cast will they have to play the obviously Japanese Bleach characters? I’m feeling Zac Efron for Ichigo and Miley Cyrus for Orihime. Leave your opinions in the comments!


  • oradan

    Conan O'Brian For Renji!

  • oradan

    Conan O'Brian For Renji!

  • This deserves a photoshop.

  • This deserves a photoshop.

  • Yaotzen

    Oh that's going to suck balls… I don't think they'll do it right at all…

  • Yaotzen

    Oh that's going to suck balls… I don't think they'll do it right at all…

  • Sky

    This will be fail of bankai proportions.

  • Sky

    This will be fail of bankai proportions.

  • I wonder what elements of the story they'll focus on?

  • I wonder what elements of the story they'll focus on?

  • HarielA4

    Miley Cyrus need bigger tits to pull off orihime. Dakota Fanning can play the stick girl Ururu Tsumugiya.

  • HarielA4

    Miley Cyrus need bigger tits to pull off orihime. Dakota Fanning can play the stick girl Ururu Tsumugiya.

  • Tintzone

    oh my god,
    I think I'm going to go hide in a corner and cry now.
    america does NOT do justice to mangas/animes.
    They can't ruin my favourite manga!!!
    btw, who's your favourite character?

    all of my favourite characters tend to die :(
    and that sucks epically.

  • Tintzone

    oh my god,
    I think I'm going to go hide in a corner and cry now.
    america does NOT do justice to mangas/animes.
    They can't ruin my favourite manga!!!
    btw, who's your favourite character?

    all of my favourite characters tend to die :(
    and that sucks epically.

  • My favs are Ulquiorra, Hitsugaya and Renji.

  • My favs are Ulquiorra, Hitsugaya and Renji.

  • northsteve

    Zoe Saldana as Yoroichi.

    But even she couldn't stop this movie from being a collossal waste of time, money, and energy.

  • man, she would look awesome as yoruichi. Good fake casting call!

  • northsteve

    She would, wouldn't she?

    Too bad they'll likely cast a nobody who looks nothing like her, since no self respecting actor would be caught dead in this movie, after the DBZ debacle.

    Hey, here's a thought: What about a Zap! movie casting call?
    If Hollywood is doing the casting, expect Winona Ryder as Reona.
    …though honestly i'm not sure if that's a bad idea or not.

  • remnentxx37

    How about Hollywood just leave the art to the artist and the crappy acting to the crappy acting; just found out Chris Evans is playing Capt America… not sure how I'm going to take that one.
    As far as live action anime's? *lifts trash bucket* here you go put it in there with the rest of the crap.

  • Mr.GenericNameCuzI'mLazy

    Christina Hendricks should play Orihime. Just sayin

  • she's beautiful, and the right body type, but in no way resembles a teenaged girl.

  • Yaotzen

    They would prolly need a porn star for her and Matsumoto… :-X lol

  • Rachel McAdams?

  • Amy

    Maybe they'll Westernize it and make it Soul Society Heaven instead with Angels wearing White and the Big Bad becomes an Angel who tries to takeover God. So the hero will try to prevent it. But definitely not the original Bleach in a live action movie.

    If they do make it better be an all East Asian Cast

  • Adam850

    This is destined to be stuck in Development Hell. I have low expectations, so I hope to be surprised.

  • draecon

    I was excited when I first saw this, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized this can only suck. I do think it would be interesting to see what the Hollows would look like. I'd still watch it, like I watched the Dragonball movie(I thought it was an alright movie, just not alright enough.)

  • Oh, trust me. If this gets made I'll be there opening night, cringing and

  • Tipulsar 85

    I think that the best Live action adaptations are out of japan. The big question is how much money did they give Kubo Tite to okay this project? From what I have heard he was dead set against a live action version of any kind for Bleach. But If they wanted to do It right I think that Johny Yon Bosh should do. He was on Power Rangers before becoming a voice actor.

  • That guy has done like EVERY anime English dub ever.

  • Tintzone

    I love those characters!!!
    Ulquiorra is my favourite all time manga/anime character, next to L.

  • lilmidget

    What in the 9 hells is wrong with hollywood. can't they come up with an original idea these days. and i SWEAR TO GOD if one of those crappy twilight actors is in it there will be vengence!

  • korblades

    Yeah, Miley Cyrus would have to stuff her bra to play Orihime, but a better question is, who will play Rukia?

  • josephbev

    they CANNOT do this!!! i was almost on the verge of puttin the jackasses who did DBZ in the crosses of my riffle,but this is way 2 much 2 handle

  • They will fail at making a bleach Live-Action movie, theres no way to get a real life person to look even similar to the anime characters.
    it's gonna be a flop.

  • dweller

    Looks like Debby Ryan from that Disney show will play Orihime, so says her wikipedia….

  • guest

    yea but she could play Matsumoto

  • guest

    Ellen Page the chick from Juno could play Rukia

  • Caestra

    It is possible for real life people to look like anime characters Tatsuya Isaka looks an awful lot like Ichigo and Miki Satou is a dead ringer for Rukia  in the Rock Musical Bleach. Nagayama Takashi made a great Toshiro.  Most of the rest of the cast looked a lot like their characters.  There was no doubt who they were.  Clearly what will be needed are people familiar with the series, the manga, and the musicals to play the parts in the movie.  They need to cast Bleach fans.

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