119 | A Favor

119 | A Favor

December 8, 2003 | 9:24 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

Favors for favors!


  • Strike_Reyhi

    bob the robot handy helper!

  • darkauras

    Zap! supports interspecies relationships, although…maybe robot/stickel goes beyond interspecies?

  • Silverwolf

    Does it count as cybering?

  • Okami18

    maybe it would be intrenet porn…!

  • Negatron

    Let’s face it… in Kasey’s world, XR-743-9Q is just a glorified dildo…

  • Negatron

    *first panel, top-left corner* Nothing like a good ole cup o’ joe for all those all-night fixing binges =)

  • Nobody can remember the robot’s full designation.

  • Green Arrow

    Oh my, I never noticed before how it actually says Bob on the little robot…

  • Slight art improvement over the previous page. Curious.

  • I think Kasey might just be my favorite character! 😀

  • Efficient shape…

  • Robot isn’t a species. So it would mostly just be a robot fetish.

  • I once wanted to go back and edit them all to be correct (XR-7439Q) but I actually like the idea that the name IS hard to remember and people just say something because everyone will know what they’re talking about but don’t really have enough respect to remember it. That’s secretly why Robot works so well as a name. They all remember it much more easily.

    The irony of WHO gave both names is a nice cherry on top, to me.

  • Originally, Kasey was just going to be in this arc and leave the comic. But people loved the character so much, we had to bring her back.
    One of the only few cosplays of the comic I’ve seen was of Kasey. It was amazing.

    I think she’s a great cosplay character.

  • And here she is! The Jessie Pinkman of Zap…

    …in that Kasey was originally going to leave the story after this arc, but people loved her so we wrote her back in. I’m glad we did, she really grew on me as a character, and I think Zap! Would have been very different without her.

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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