226 | Mr Stevens Lends a Hand

226 | Mr Stevens Lends a Hand

May 19, 2004 | 10:04 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • FeartheFuzzies

    You'd think with all their tech, they'd have something to check if the hand being scanned has a pulse.

    Overconfidence. The Evil Empire's greatest weakness.

  • Zippomage

    Well, it might be able to check the heat of the skin, or the pattern of the blood vessels, or the conductivity of the skin, like a touch pad does, but if the hand just got cut off, that won't necessarily be fool proof

  • Silverwolf

    My. What a positively disarming woman.

  • Cynic

    And THAT is why I don't want any security near me that needs hands, eyes, or such.

  • OctoDude

    Good one!  Let’s give the man a hand!  Naveed?

  • OctoDude

    Good one!  Let’s give the man a hand!  Naveed?

  • OctoDude

    Your faith in your friends is yours!;-]

  • Damien Horton

    I’m not sure which is more deadly – her claws or her puns!

  • Damien Horton

    Why not have it check for a pulse?

  • Carlos Antonio Leal Camacho

    Because EVERY species in the universe has a pulse that runs in the same frecuency, right?

  • Daniel Kauwe

    ew. she is nasty. now i am really hoping that somewhere there is an epic fight in this story where she gets her ass kicked because i just want to watch her lose for once…

  • Tech

    Want some cheese with your ham, Navvie?

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