291 | A Distinct Need For Coverage By Textiles

291 | A Distinct Need For Coverage By Textiles

September 12, 2004 | 10:24 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • I love Sparky in this comic. (So sue me, I like the stickle's name)

  • Filo Seefar

    Man, that robot's a real dickhead…

  • Anonymous

    Who knew that Zap was so well…built. o_0

  • Shiroganekaze

    nice pun.

  • Keeva

    When I saw that, I was agog for a moment. (And I totally did a Sulu “Ohhhh mmyyyyy”) He REALLY has a body like that? Come on… I wish my boyfriend had a body like that…. *grumble grumble*

  • Keeva

    The last part of my comment still holds true. =_=

  • Daniel Kauwe

    he _is_ hot

  • Negatron

    It’s like the comic is trying to make up for the fact that Reona didn’t catch Zap and Demonica in a more compromising position. Like it’s saying: “okay, so they didn’t get to the fun part but here is how Zap looks like without clothes on”. It pondered doing the same to Demonica for a moment, but realised her wardrobe doesn’t really leave all that much to the imagination.

  • Chel

    Pfft. Disregard Robot, Zap. He doesn’t know anything.

  • Nokota

    ZOMG SIX PACK HE’S SO HAWT! and adorably cute at the same time! I want one!

  • saskyou

    the “grumble grumble” part?


  • Zixinus

    Why would a robot be dismayed at human nakedness? It’s funny and all but why would it care at all, what senses would it offend? A human has built-up beauty standards and all that, but why would robots have them?

  • Psychotic Muffin

    he’s an advanced ai. let’s settle on that.

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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