299 | Care To Dance?

299 | Care To Dance?

September 23, 2004 | 10:24 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Largoundead

    Do it Zap, theres everything to win and nothing to lose (except your Dignity, but you didn't have much of that to begin with)

  • Zippomage

    wow, I'm starting to think the great villain in this comic is Reona. Constantly emotionally tormenting that poor kid, who can't even remember his own freaking life.

  • Powerfox

    Oh Lepas, your comments never cease to entertain me.

  • Johan

    Yep. Pretty sure after teasing him so much his pants will rip, she’s gonna thank him for helping her finding her boyfriend. 

  • Don Quixote

    …have no idea how to dance!

  • Yes, his face is pointy. Also his nose is just a selection of near-horizontal lines.

  • His nose is the same as all the other characters, it’s just bigger. :P

  • It amuses me because even when you draw him from the side… the lines are still there. It leaves me wondering what precisely they represent. Perhaps some sort of expressional quirk or the like…

  • I’ve given that some thought… the best I could come up with is that his nose is kinda like Micky Rooney’s nose… you know, kinda puggish :)

  • Weeb #73628490

    “I … have no idea how to dance.”
    -zap, next page, probably

  • Rexan

    And you remind me to look for their comments. :p

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