308 | Impressive Flight

308 | Impressive Flight

October 23, 2004 | 10:35 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Formula_410

    They don't recognize the cloak he's been wearing the whole time?
    Also, I just noticed, there's a C on the clasp! Whatever for, I wonder?

  • note: they can't recognize the cloak he's wearing because this is the first time the crew has seen the serpent. The reader can recognize it because they have seen him before.

  • Formula_410

    Yes, but I believe Gunner has been wearing that cloak as well… wouldn't they just think, oh, it's Gunner with his hood up?

  • The C stands for “Cloak” xD

  • Matanui3

    Maybe he changed his voice?

  • Damien Horton

    Or ‘Copyright’!

    Maybe this has all been a complicated metaphor for the relaxation of Copyright law!

  • Jacze

    Am I the only one who sees Pascelle’s comment?

  • Anonymous

    No, I see it.
    Writer-artist squabble, mayhaps?

  • Isn’t it just the same cloak Gunner has been wearing the whole time they’ve known him… just with the hood up? Same eye colour and everything.

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