321 | Escape Into the House of Mirrors

321 | Escape Into the House of Mirrors

November 22, 2004 | 10:52 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Zippomage

    oh, I can see what's going to happen next. The “hall of mirrors” trick

  • Sarkid

    it had to come to this eventually

  • Shiroganekaze

    wild guess: ronas weapon is a laser right? Then Laser + Gs of mirrors = laser reflection net pownage. It could happen.

  • Dr.Ulltross

    Looks more plasma based to mean thus the mirror trick won’t work, but I could be wrong.

  • Marduk

    I dunno… i’m enjoying the action but isn’t Naveed way more agile than that? I know GEF troops suck but she was all over the room that time. By heirarchy of power alone Reona should be losing. Using Grivak as an example:  Reona < Grontar < Grivak < Naveed


    Oh well.

  • Anonymous

    I still can’t work out how she’s so agile in those heels.

  • Anonymous

    I still can’t work out how she’s so agile in those heels.

  • Keeva

    Lots of practice
    and hooking.

  • Philip J. Fry

    But Reona has just been able to surprise Naveed twice. Surprises are great equalizers when it comes to the early stages of a fight.

  • LdaQuirm

    Unfortunately ” are not Transitive on fighting ability.

    Maybe its a case of: rock > scissors, scissors > paper, rock !> paper?

  • LdaQuirm

    It’s a good thing Naveed doesn’t know Reona only has one shot with that thing.

  • Negatron

    That’s mostly because it isn’t true. She can shoot multiple times, she simply has to wait for the power cell to recharge.

  • Negatron

    Wrong. A laser would emit a ray, while Reona’s cannon is clearly shown to fire projectiles, leading to the conclusion that it is (as Dr.Ulltross said below) plasma based. As such, your “laser reflection net pwnage” could NOT happen.

    …and that’s why it didn’t happen =)

  • Daniel Kauwe

    yeah, i wonder about this as well, either all the people that Naveed killed prior were just total buffoons, or Reona has begun manifesting seemingly unusual physical combat prowess. 

  • oh yay! the FUN house!!

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