749 | One More Thing

749 | One More Thing

September 28, 2014 | 10:10 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Robot love!!!! <3

  • Speedy Marsh

    Live together in perfect eHarmony…

  • safyrejet

    Don’t beat yourself up too much Zap. They all made their own choices along the way too. Yours isn’t the only “destiny” out there.

  • Aerotendo

    I agree with you, Zap can’t be responsible for actions of everyone else.

  • Green Arrow

    Wait, what? What is he going to dooo!!!? Sad speeches are sad!

  • Bryce

    I banished the villian with his Lover
    I’ll banish my faithful companion with his lover
    Now what do do with myself?…..

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