EPILOGUE 757 | A Lot of Particles

EPILOGUE 757 | A Lot of Particles

September 28, 2014 | 10:18 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • !!!

  • YAAAAAY! So worth 10 minutes of reloading this page like a maniac, haha!

  • hahaha. Did you know when 100 people do this simultaneously it is really bad for the server?? hahahah aaaahhhh

  • Speedy Marsh

    I’ve been trying to come back for years, but you wouldn’t let go of my last particle.

  • safyrejet

    It’s your fault you know.

  • safyrejet

    Now kiss.

  • Raven

    Dawwww, he came back! Yay

  • Speedy Marsh

    You know your comics are good when…
    Your readers kill the internet.
    (Or, at least overload a server)

  • tears… I swear it… can’t say I’ve ever cried over a webcomic before, but y’all have done me in…. so many particles, 3 years to gather them back together, and every single one of those particles loves her…. **sniffs** and he’s BACK.

  • Green Arrow

    Here you go!

  • Green Arrow

    HE’S BAAAACCK!!!!! *sniffle of much joyful* >.<

  • Quieteyes

    “Particle Man. Particle Man. Doing the things a particle can. What’s he like? It’s not important. Particle Man.” – Particle Man from the album Flood by They Might Be Giants.

  • John Smith

    Did anyone see the end of “Hellsing Ultimate”? Well, it’s kind of like Zap 756-757.

  • Ryan

    “I have a lot of particles… if you know what I mean.”

  • Renadt

    And a lot of particles take three years to be put back together.

  • SnowBerri

    Ohhh this has me crying like a big dumb baby.

  • eekee

    All the cheers, yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!

    I just finished reading Zap all the way through. I’ve got to admit, years ago when it was new I couldn’t deal with Zap being dumb, but now I can I’m glad I persisted through that, because there’s a really good story behind it.

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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