142 | Mr. Smooth Returns

142 | Mr. Smooth Returns

January 9, 2004 | 9:31 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • arjay2813

    can anyone lie well in this comic? lol

  • Anonymous

    well, obviously not Zap

  • Negatron

    Contrary to their expressions in the last panel, they all actually fall for Zap’s  deception (maybe with the exception of Robot, but he obviously doesn’t care one way or the other). That crew was obviously not chosen for their brains.

  • I suspect snakey gave them a work-over.

  • I wonder. Has EVERY character participated in one of these classic Zap! ending panels? I’ve always enjoyed them, which is probably why there are so many. Zap just so often annoyingly befuddles everyone around him.

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