Volume 3

Volume 3

February 5, 2004 | 9:31 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • jaded_death

    Those really huge sleeves on Zap’s jacket are really starting to scare me…

    “Can’t sleep, sleeves will eat me!”

  • Okami18

    nah i think their awesome. + a great place to hide weapons!

  • Okami18

    nah i think their awesome. + a great place to hide weapons!

  • Damien Horton

    Forget weapons – you could hide an army in there!

  • Negatron

    I think what we are forgetting is that Zap actually inherited his wardrobe from Efrem. Efrem, who needed those huge sleeves in order to hide a dagger, ’cause, yanno… he was a traitorous, backstabbing douchebag.

  • I love those sleeves… they look just so cozy… and *stylish*!

  • Coriandour

    They kinda remind me of kimono sleeves.

  • Green Arrow

    The better to hide shuriken in, dattebayo!

  • Volume 3 let’s goooooo

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