489 | Haters Gonna Hate

489 | Haters Gonna Hate

August 16, 2010 | 12:15 am, by Pascalle Lepas

Holly really does have every right to not be too keen on the Aquarians. We can love them, though. Because they are super future aquatic psychic pterodactyls. (Honestly, that sounds like a 14-year-old’s DnD character, except maybe he is also a half-elf.)

Did you see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World this weekend? It’s a good time! Shame what happened with Ramona’s character in the movie, as opposed to her character in the books, but that’s really my only complaint. Most of you boy-types who appreciate princesses for being in other castles will likely not mind. Wallace Wells is the greatest and I laughed obnoxiously loud in a manner that was beyond my control quite a bit. Everyone else was cracking up too, so I didn’t feel too bad. That’s all I will bother you about Scott Pilgrim.

Also, I raced go-karts this weekend. I won both races by about half a lap each. I was born to kart! I hereby challenge each and every one of you to a go-kart race. Please realize that your ass is grass and it is nothing personal.

Thanks for reading! <3


  • Guest

    Haters going to hate, lovers going to love, all I want is none of the above. I want to piss on youuuu

    Dave Chapelle skit.

  • Ghalail

    Hooray for psychic bubble shields!

    You may have raced go-karts but I jet skied for the first time over the weekend and it was soooooo AWESOME! Also I accept your challenge and you name a place and time and I will see you there! (if it's in Oregon…)

  • We still blowded up your house! Boo-yah!

  • TalonofElysia

    She could at least appreciate the fact that the Aquarians just put themselves at risk to save that submersible… they could easily have just swam off.

    Bah. Anyway, nice strip, can't wait til next week.

  • Octodoggie

    Bold Words, Lepas… I find myself in Oklahoma every now and again. When I get back from Iraq, this Texan may just wander up there, accept your challenge, and whoop your Slow-Pokey Okie behind (on the track, don't worry).


    And keep up the great work; your art is always beautiful. :-]

  • Well, if you're ever in my area of Florida I'll be happy to race go-karts with you, but I have no doubt you'll win. Somehow go-karts just don't go as fast when driven by someone who's six and a half feet tall and weighs in at over 300 pounds …


  • mirrim

    I really like the sun beams and surface waves in panel six. :)

  • I jet-skied for the first time a couple of weekends ago. It is awesome. They are the motorycles of the waves, man!

  • It would be WICKED fun to have a Zap! meet and greet centered around go-karts.

  • These guys must be awesome at “Minesweeper” ;)

  • SpringLoaded12

    The title of this page is one of my favorite phrases ever.
    *hails lepas*

  • For an extra bonus, click the green heart in my news post above.

  • SpringLoaded12


  • I have been on a jet ski twice in my life.

    The first time, I managed to throw myself off of the thing, fly 40 feet through the air, and land hard on the water. I was bruised and battered but okay, though I had lost an expensive pair of prescription sunglasses (yes, I was an idiot for wearing them on the thing in the first place).

    The second time, I bashed my chin on the handlebars so hard that the front of my t-shirt was soaked with blood and I had a nasty concussion. I don't even remember piloting the thing back to shore, even now. That one cost me a few stitches, and one side of my jaw was pretty swollen for about a week.

    I've decided to learn my lesson, and avoid finding out what would happen if I got on a jet ski a third time.
    (I've also sworn off of motorcycles, because I figure if I can do this much damage to myself on the water, I don't want to find out what I'd do to myself on asphalt.)


  • Willow_kidd

    It is such a pretty page today. Just wanted to express how much I loved it.

  • Venture

    Meanwhile, on the surface, the Aquarian version of a pelican is embarrassed by a small bubble.

  • Susano-wo

    I know you said you weren't gonna bug *us* about Scott Pilgrim, but is it ok if I question you about it?
    What exactly was it that bugged you about Ramona? I wasn't 100% with the actress as far as the attitudes that comic R displays, but I thought the script characterization was fine overall…my biggest beef is actually with some of they stuff they did with the Evil Exes.
    Don't get me wrong, though thoroughly enjoyed the movie, its nice to see Michael Cerra being cast in something that doesn't feel like he alt universe George Michael, and Extra life=win

    (and if you don't really want to discuss it for whatever reason, tha's cool. I was just curious :P)
    P.S. Found Zap some odd months ago, and have been religiously checking it ever since. Love it!

  • I will totally talk to you forever about Scott Pilgrim, I just know some people aren't into it and I didn't want to go on and on about it and annoy them.

    What annoyed me about Ramona in the movie was how passive she was. She was just 'kinda seeing' Scott 'or whatever' and she never actually had a moment where she chose him. I realize they blamed it on the computer chip, but her character deserved a moment where she got with it.

    During the final fight with Gideon she didn't even join in. She was just standing there like a damsel in distress who was just waiting to be rescued (hence my 'princess in another castle' comment.) It would have been awesome if she whipped out her hammer and helped Scott during the final fight, but she didn't. She just sort of stood there, silently, and when she did join in it was pretty much just to get beat up by a boy. And that was lame, especially with how strong her character was in the books.

  • You're in Florida too? I was worried I was the only one in this swamp of a state xD I'd assume I wouldn't be very fast in a go-kart either..

    Also, I saw SPvTW on the 18th, and absolutely loved it, Wallace was always my favorite character. xD. I sat in Borders and read all 6 of them once the final book came out, it was the third read-through for books 1-5 for me xD.

  • Given your swampy description, I'm guessing you live east and south of me quite a ways.

    You know that part of Florida way at the end of the panhandle that's pretty much only known for the beaches, and no one ever seems to realize it's actually in the Central Time Zone? That's where I live.


    (I haven't seen “The Movie” yet, and didn't even know there was a series of books. Right now my reading is focused on stacks of fantasy and sci-fi books that range from old to “classic”.)

  • Actually, I live in Pinellas county, but the weather is making it all swampy.

    I've actually been on a book haitus, but I've been getting R.A. Salvatore's Drizzt books as Comics from the library, they have the Dragonlance books as comics too. <3 I've been trying to get myself to re-read book four of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series, but I've been on a subconcious big-book ban for awhile x.x

  • The Drizzt books are quite popular, and rightly so. Salvatore has a particular skill at writing fight scenes that involve swords of any type; he clearly has some fencing skills in his background.
    He wrote a Star Wars book based on the second prequel movie; it's not bad (considering the source material), but his writing of the lightsaber fight with Dooku and the various jedi – especially Yoda! – is (IMHO) better than the actual scene in the movie.

    As for Jordan's books, of all the hundreds of books I've read (probably thousands, by now), his series is the only one I've ever bought in hardback. ('Nuff said!)
    Oh, and I think Brandon Sanderson is doing an excellent job so far of staying true to Jordan's work in his work to complete the series.


  • Wolfrain1

    So this is my first time reading through the archives and I'm loving it so far but I just thought of something, Zap can see the future in his dreams, right? Maybe he saw Reona and a happy future with her. Thats why the A.I's look like her and a defence systeme automatically protected her.

  • Zana

    They're like…fishodactyls.

  • OctoDude

    Anything ever come of this?  I’ve been… out of the loop for a bit.

  • OctoDude

    Fishodactyl and chips…  Mmmm…..

  • Marduk

    Someone thinks the exact same thing!! You know when i first picked up those books I was sceptical. The cover screamed ‘pulp fiction’ to me. I don’t have anything against that at all, but it seemed cheap and light, so i said oh well, let me get into this.

    You know the rest of the story from there. It was quite epic.

  • Benji

    SPvsTW is the best ever but the books rock to the core thou and my fav part is the deamon hipster chiks…..no no no wait thats not it its actually the part the movie ex goes….oh ok its cool man forget bout it then wham lol no no no no wait its the part were wallace goes”hey scott look out its that one guy” lol oh man come to think of it the whole thing is just great 

  • I have to say….I seriously hope Daedalus isn’t gone D: Or that at least her AI (I guess?) survived or backed up or something….I’d also love to learn/see all those symbols carved into the temple, and I hope you all soon tell us the mystery/story (or stories) behind Excelsior/Daedalus….Man I love the Zap world so much, but after 6 years or so of comics it feels like we’ve barely moved at all D: YOU GUYS NEED TO UPDATE MORE OFTEN! THIS IS TOO SLOW! I’M NOT GETTING MY ZAP FIX! Every comic’s either slowing up, going on sudden hiatus, dying, or slowing up :( Must have more Zap D: 

  • No they’re not. If they were, they wouldn’t have the crest on the back of the head. The hell is with people getting that wrong? I knew the difference between a pteranodon and a pterodactyl when I was 5.

  • A much belated reply: yeah, I’ve never been all that impressed with the cover art for the Wheel of Time series. But as you said, the stories more than make up for that!


  • Crestlinger

    Nope no ship here. There Was but it left. Something about going off to find something called the ‘lost ones’. *Bluff check natural 20 WOO.

  • John Smith

    Interesting; I never thought of it like that. I liked the movie but I haven’t read the books. I’ll have to get right on that. :)

  • Graywolf7902000

    Not everyone is as into dinosaurs as you appear to be.

  • ReBoot Fan


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