518 | Death From Above

518 | Death From Above

March 7, 2011 | 1:00 am, by Pascalle Lepas

Here’s hoping this automatic update goes smoothly! If all goes well I’m on a plane coming back from Seattle.


  • Marcdaman9992004

    It went smoothly as its 4 am and up awesome thanks for brightening my morning

  • Anonymous

    It also went up for me at 2am. Love your comic.

  • Nick

    It went up at , omg, is it that time of the day? ;)

    Hmmm. Naveed seems to be quite good, holding three badass fighters of. I’m more worried about Reona, who still seems shocked with what is going on :(

    Is there a limit on badass by the way? :P

  • Tommelun

    hehehe ^^ “Death from above” hehe ^^ it’s not som very cat-like as in dominic deegan, but still funny ^^

  • Tommelun

    hehehe ^^ “Death from above” hehe ^^ it’s not som very cat-like as in dominic deegan, but still funny ^^

  • Anonymous

    Forearm guards? That definitely contributes to her ability to hold off 3 people at once. The cat reflexes contribute too I guess, but still, friggin GAUNTLETS…

  • KryptonAngel

    I think it’s funny that Reona’s just standing there in the middle of a battle.

  • TwoBuy

    Awesome meeting you at ECC! Thanks for doing a sketch for my kiddos.

  • I know right! Hey Reona, lend the boys a hand- oh wait, nevermind. XD

  • Rapunzel990

    *hides from the defensive fans etc*

    I think this scene could have been drawn a lot more intensely. I’m a huge fan of the artist’s skill and style but it feels flat and restricted, mostly by the panel layout.

  • Rapunzel990

    *hides from the defensive fans etc*

    I think this scene could have been drawn a lot more intensely. I’m a huge fan of the artist’s skill and style but it feels flat and restricted, mostly by the panel layout.

  • That was a heartless joke. Very cruel.
    I laughed.

  • A S

    I tend to agrre with Rapunzel990. This is something I noticed in the last 10-12 strip: style and skills are still over the top, but the feeling is not anymore as before. Maybe it’s just a consequence of putting so much action in one strip-a-week to give some pace to the scenes (otherwise the “battle” would go on for weeks and weeks), but anyway, it feels flat and restricted.
    One possible solution would be to make more strips a week with just a few scenes on them, in order to stay on time with the pace and being airy and light at the same time. But I really don’t know if this is even a possibility …

  • Hylian Link

    Holy crap, is it just me or can pirates fly now??

  • Hylian Link

    1 word…. lol.

  • Gillsing

    Maybe she ran up the stairs to the poop deck and leaped down from there? There does seem to be some kind of structure visible next to Naveed’s arm.

  • Hoo-ya

    Someone really just needs to like… shoot her or something. Seriously, look at that smile. That’s code for “I’m going to win”.

  • Guest

    Hm intresting Idea. what happen if the monster eat his smal oponent and try to shrink. Will he explode if he shrink to much or could his paunch get bigger.

  • Andrew

    I sense a scene change coming…

  • Athra

    God, like you read my mind.

  • Trapper

    I really want to see way more of Reona.
    Maybe she could put on the evening dress.
    And use her charms to win the battle…

  • Hylian Link

    This is also true

  • Sunphoenix_72

    Well in combat… Naveed is a tough battle hardened cookie… just makes her sweeter ‘hopefully’ in bed! LOL!

  • Anonymous

    Thanks! I also respond to “Mike”

  • You know what’s totally awesome about Zap right now? The swords, lots and lots of swords. I could totally get used to this.

  • Or perhaps the gravity on this planet is well below Earth-norm …


  • at least the art’s pretty

    everyone is fighting, meanwhile reona stands around looking like she’s about to cry. does this character do anything? At this point I’m rooting for Gunner =/

  • Not a whole lot. She just quits becoming a waitress to join the resistance movement, become first-mate of a starship, gets her arm chopped off trying to defend her captain, get a mechanical arm so she can keep fighting, defend a half-wit from a military onslaught, have experimental technology implanted onto her body in the hopes of becoming stronger, accidentally blow-up a space station, rescue her new captain from a sentient blob attack, fight an assassin, fight a giant sea serpent, use a force-field to protect a pirate captain, and then have her arm cut off again in battle.

    But you are totally right! Because in this one instance she doesn’t have a weapon and feels a little helpless she is TOTALLY WORTHLESS as a character.

    That expression you’re misinterpreting as ‘about to cry’ is actually frustration because she can’t get in there and do something.

    It is like you ignored the entire plot to come to the conclusion that she is a helpless girl.

  • Woohoo!  Go Calle!

    At least (s)he likes your art … 


  • Negatron

    Now we know what to put on the poster if you ever get lost: “Responds to ‘Mike'”

  • It is hilarious when you get defensive… BUT yeah, since she got disarmed, her options have been a bit limited. Still, I’m sure she’ll find a way to help out, even with just one arm.

  • Things to say here:
    #1. Naveed’s sword seems to be able to cut through anything EXCEPT other swords. Go figure. Maybe future-swords are just made of sterner stuff. The pirate swords aren’t so sharp though, since they can’t cut through bracers either.
    #2. Flying attacks like that are generally a bad idea unless you have some means of maneuvering in mid-air… which most people don’t. They’re only liable to work at all if the other person doesn’t know you’re there.
    #3. I guess Naveed is ambidextrous. So much for her being a southpaw.

  • D. Alpacalips

    Holy art change, batman! Love seeing the art’s evolution as the story progresses!

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