523 | Another One Bites the Dust

523 | Another One Bites the Dust

April 11, 2011 | 4:00 am, by Pascalle Lepas

: (


  • Nick

    Lepas doesn’t do this for a job, and even though she perhaps make a small sum of this comic, it is nowhere near enough what is needed to help her through everyday life. She has an other job, and this comic is what she does in her spare time. I’m sure that if she could, she would spur out a page every day, but sadly, she can’t. So we beggars cannot be choosers, sadly.

    That being said, at this point and time, I too wish this story would go faster. Show us what happens now! :P ;)

  • Yep. You pretty much explained it. I hope people don’t think I’m a jerk when I say it.

    I love making the comic, and I would totally do it for a living if I could. But since I can’t print my own money, it really comes down to the fans.

  • Nena-Nena

    Because they wanted to stop and go but Naveed is too arrogant and to focused on revenge and stayed starting the fight.

  • Neraku Frostrike

    I liked Callisto D:

  • Okami18

    how dare you, to subject that little guy to irony would destroy us all!

  • Okami18

    how dare you, to subject that little guy to irony would destroy us all!

  • Okami18

    how dare you, to subject that little guy to irony would destroy us all!

  • Michael

    I, on the other hand, feel quite sorry for Callisto.  The particular timing of the situation makes it particularly tragic… the Satellites were coming to the realization that their ally was just as heartless and quite a bit more sadistic than the G.E.F.  A bit more time, and they might have called off their alliance.

    And I think the sacrifice here says a great deal more about who Callisto is, rather than worrying about whether Naveed is worth saving or whether it was the right thing to do.  Betrayed by their own people to the G.E.F. and then betrayed by the G.E.F. in the bargain to save their people, I imagine that the Satellites don’t break their word easily.

    Is she the kind of person who would, in the split second she had to react, risk her neck to save a friend, no matter how estranged they are at the moment?  Seems so…  Does her gender have something to do with her getting fatally wounded?  Quite possibly…  as last time I checked, men are generally lacking in the maternal instincts department.  It’s not to say that the men wouldn’t have jumped in the way, but they might not have made it in time without the protective impetus.  It’s all the more lamentable when you realize that Naveed is far less likely to do the same for anyone except Gunnar, let alone someone as selfless as Callisto.

    And yes, without Callisto, I’m sure the other Satellites will be a lot less… Jovial. =9

  • Marduk

    Especially considering the chapter title

  • Marduk

    Aw come on not her… I can’t even tell how little rock guy will react

  • Keeva

    I took a First Aid course a few years ago that taught me how to dress impalement wounds! So fun! =D

  • Negatron

    The irony is in the water-wielding Satellite being killed by her own element. If it were Gannymede there wouldn’t be anything ironic about it… except for the page’s title.

  • Benji

    agg sux

  • I will never forget Callisto :( IMO Probably the most beautiful woman in this comic….and coming from a redhead lover like me, that says something xD

    (*Opens his diary* Dear Diary…..Have the Aquarians not actually have killed Callisto. I mean, they control water, and this IS their planet….and we see her flung into the water, which while a Disney death, also allows for the possibility of return…So maybe they nurse her back to health/heal her, since they’re psychic…? Well diary, what I’m trying to get at here is…*inhale* PLEASE GIMME BACK MY BEAUTIFUL CALLISTO! HAVE HER MAKE A DEUS EX MACHINA RETURN! WAAAAAH T_T)

  • LucarioGuy15


  • Don Quixote

    That sucked. I was introduced to this comic via an ad with her on it. Had no idea what it was for, but followed it anyway. Kinda bums you out finding out she was a side character and killed off without any real development.

  • Y’know… she could probably hold her body together using water to fill the gaps until it healed up…

    … probably. won’t though. Just COULD.

  • TheBear

    There has to be a freezing water breaking the jugs joke there, but I’m too sad to solidify it.

  • TheBear

    Ok, everyone is saying that Callisto was protecting Naveed, but I got the impression that she finally realized that Naveed is being bad and that Reona is good, and was trying stop the fight

  • Green Arrow

    Poor alien Katara…

  • Green Arrow

    Haha, that last part made me laughsnert. *_*

  • John Smith


  • ReBoot Fan

    No, Europa is also female.

  • Kevin Fox

    Aye, Callisto, the places you’ve been to, the things that you’ve shown us, the stories you tell. Aye, Callisto, I sing to your spirit! You’ve given us drama so long and so well.

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