704 | Every Last Particle

704 | Every Last Particle

June 18, 2014 | 8:38 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

hey. wow. okay. Um. Let’s scene change and give them their privacy.

See you Monday!


  • Deanna


  • This is the comment to beat this week for comment of the week.

  • ForTheLulz

    Next scene: Robot cuts in with awkward statement about humans.

  • mirrim

    Aww…they are doing the face holding thing in reverse. http://www.zapcomic.com/2013/01/618-you-cant-be-here/
    *romantic sigh*

  • *frolics through comment section* they love each ooooother!

  • safyrejet

    What is this on the kiss count? 2 or 3 I think depending on where you started counting.

    Yeah, keep fighting for that chance at a happy future, even if he saw a dark one. Fight to change it.

  • safyrejet

    Well that’s a bar I’ll never beat.

  • slim kittens

    The open flowers in panel 3 are nice symbolism. Heh.

  • uh?

  • Speedy Marsh

    Scene change? Ok, go back to Holly and William, then. Unless, of course, Kasey and Grontar have caught the love bug.

  • Speedy Marsh

    Fertility? Is Reona about to get pollenated?

  • I get grossed out when people compare women to things, I guess.

  • (naveed and gunner!)

  • safyrejet

    Haha, it’s funny, I noticed the flowers had two sticky outtie things from their center (I don’t know plant terminology, pollen sticks, stamen?) and thought that helped make them look alien and it was cool. Buuuuut I didn’t mention anything because I was afraid someone would compare them to a certain MALE body part and that would get awkward….

  • Crestlinger

    If he poofs I call reanimation by Excelsior particle recombination (a la 5th Element).

  • Edje

    Congratulations Zap, you’ve done it to me yet again. First you make me actually make an account to post with your Valentine’s day post and you make me post a second time on a public forum to gush at just how amazing this story is. Talk about getting blood from a stone, but damn it, this is too cute. So as a grown man I must do this, no judging.


  • Renadt

    I had to actually look at the page source to figure out that said smooch.

  • Speedy Marsh

    Well, we know from Chris’s sketch a while back, that Zap isn’t dual-wielding.

  • Speedy Marsh

    It was bright, and you were smiling. Of course, it only lasted 15 minutes, but you kept on smiling, right up to the bitter end.

    By the way, can I have that arm when you’re done with it? Robot wants an upgrade.

  • Speedy Marsh

    You must hate poetry.

  • Speedy Marsh

    Ok, it took a good bit of searching, but I finally found the flowers that these remind me of: calla lilies. I looked up their significance, and they are used at weddings and funerals. Weddings, for the purity of their white color, and for their feminine shape. Funerals, because they represent re-birth and renewal.

    Foreshadowing, maybe?

  • Speedy Marsh

    It does seem like Zap sees himself biting it. If he saw Reona kicking the bucket, he would do whatever he could to keep her from going to Earth.

    Zap, as he lays dying in Reona’s arms:
    “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”

    “What about my needs?”

    Shortly thereafter, Reona drops a Genesis Device on planet Earth.

  • anon

    john Crichton: I got arrested in college one time, wanna see what for?

  • Christer Johnsson

    This is the third – all of them EPIC!

    First when flying in high;

    Second in the rain;

    Now third under the stars in a field of flowers.

    Where will it end – do we dare to wish for more epic kisses?

  • Christer Johnsson

    That second name is soo wrong. :-{(

  • Speedy Marsh

    D’oh! Now that you mention it, it does sound like Stickle tech. Let’s stick with Zafrem.

  • Psiberkiwi

    Hell, yeah! :)

  • Psiberkiwi

    Uhh… Hate to be ‘that guy’, but shouldn’t Reona’s line in panel 4 read, “Was this the future you saw FOR us?”

  • Speedy Marsh

    Ok, I feel kinda clueless, but I just noticed the arm sticking up out of the ground behind Gunner’s foot on the left margin of the page.

  • Kindra Coates

    Wow, when Zap goes romantic, it hits me right in the feels.

  • you will see these flowers again. >.>

  • Squee with pride. There’s no judging here.

  • Deanna

    That’s like *half* the reason it’s winning.

  • Deanna


  • Christer Johnsson

    Yeah, it would be sticky otherwise. 8{X

  • Speedy Marsh

    Aargh! I wasn’t expecting an answer. Now I have to keep wondering what context they’ll be used in.
    Wait. Lemme guess. Four funerals and a wedding?

  • SwiftAirDragoon

    He didn’t exactly say her future had him in it…

  • Speedy Marsh

    Could be she’s always smiling ’cause Zap Junior keeps reminding her of Zap…

  • mri_kel

    Quick question. They have to make babies that’s a given. If Reona has zaps child, would it have zaps power’s because if not who will defeat Naveed and Gunners kid?(or reform and marry in case of them having a girl (since zap must have a boy.))

  • Speedy Marsh

    Why not a girl?

  • why must they have babies? Why not a girl? WHAT?

    What if no one has babies?

  • Speedy Marsh

    There has to be a scene with a psychic baby levitating their toys.

  • sunphoenix

    {Sad smile!} This is so lovely… {tears}

  • sunphoenix

    “I dreamed a dream of times gone by,
    “When hope was bright and life worth living!”

    “I dreamed that love would never die,
    I dreamed that God would be forgiving!”

    “Then I was young an unafraid,
    And dreams we had were used an wasted.”

    “But there are dreams that cannot be,
    And there are storms we cannot weather!”

    {sob.. Zap .. is going to die… I’m not sure ..I want to see that!}

  • sunphoenix

    I mean.. I don’t think I can watch Zap die…

    That would seriously depress me.. like a hurt that won’t go away. Yeah its just a web-comic… but its been a part of my life for some time now. That would hurt.

    Like when Elric was forced to kill his best friend Moonglum to have the strength to blow the horn of law to end the age of Chaos… only to die himself at the hands of his evil blade himself… all his loves and friendships and hopes turned to dust. and for what? The apathy of the Lords of Law… just one more fallen Eternal Champion. One more dead hero. – I was depressed for weeks after I finished the last book in the Original Elric series. I actually own a Copy of “Law & Chaos”… Wend Pini’s – Warp Grpahics / ElfQuest writers conceptual art for a animated Elric saga.. that never got to production. Beautiful Artwork.. and terribly sad… my knowing the ending of the story. And yes I have everything ever published in Graphic novel for the ElfQuest saga as well.

    Tragedy can be good drama.. but it leaves one drained … life is too full of mundane troubles not within one’s control to begin with – to add to one’s daily load of sorrow in my opinion is self-abusive.

    I don’t know.. maybe I’m just a whiner.. but I really hate seeing beautiful heroic people suffer. Part of why I’m not into slasher flicks.. I hate seeing innocent people hurt. Maybe I just got too much of a hero complex myself?

  • Nico

    Third kiss. Time for clothes to start flying.

  • Marduk


  • Larry Tull Jr.

    To quote the Wolverine, ‘It’s about damn time!’

  • It’s about damn time, the third time! haha!

  • Renadt

    I also know jack all about reading the source, so it was quite the find.

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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