732 | Access Denied

732 | Access Denied

September 24, 2014 | 8:10 pm, by Pascalle Lepas

Quick note: Monday’s update will be a little different so be patient and be warned!

And I have a new comic launching on Monday called Wilde Life. If you’ve enjoyed Zap! over the years, I hope you will check it out too!




  • Poor Grontar just got Worfed.

  • Darkoneko Hellsing

    Robot ! You’re our only hope !

  • Crestlinger

    Holly’s like OMG! while William is ‘Oh bother, not again.’
    Nice job on the yellow snake by the way.

  • safyrejet

    Well this should settle once and for all all the questions tossed about as to whether Reona is human or psychic.

    And Grontar may have the right idea actually. Break Excelsior. Pull her plug so to speak. If you break the right part off to throw at Gunner, she won’t be able to seek out all humans. Just get Kasey to do her thing. Stickles are known to be able to break and blow up machinery with great efficiency as I recall.

    Oh I’m looking forward to Wilde Life, but I didn’t realize it was so close to the release date. Time flies.

  • safyrejet

    Well that’d be a twist on the whole it was a robot delivering the “help me, you’re my only hope” message to the wise old battle weary hero in another certain sci-fi/fantasy series. This time it would be the robot who’s the only hope.

  • Damn, the chair always worked on pro-wrestling! D:

  • I can’t believe Wilde Life’s launch is here either. I started developing it in 2010 and I can’t believe it is a real thing that exists now.

  • Speedy Marsh

    Yeah, Excelsior really looks like she’s morphing into a snake. Awesome symbolic image of how Gunner is changing her.

  • Speedy Marsh

    Awesome! We get at least 3 comics a week, for a while.

    I’m guessing Wilde Life is gonna be once a week?

    It’s good that you’re overlapping it with Zap. My memory is getting so bad, that I’d probably forget to start reading WL, if there was a gap between Zap and WL.

  • Wilde Life will be twice a week!

  • oh…wait…i know zap & reona are wonderful or whatever…but the rest of the humans?

    rathe3r just sewnd zaP & REONA ELSEWHERE

  • Ori Klein

    So point of order: Why would Excelsior obey Gunner in the first place?

  • Sirithil nos Fëanor

    I asked this very question last strip. I presume answers will be forthcoming!

  • He took control of her. That’s why she’s yellow now.

  • D. Alpacalips

    Oh wow. Hard to believe I’ve come far enough in the comic to see the reveal/premiere of Wilde Life, the very comic that introduced me to you and Zap.
    I guess what I’m trying to say is: Thanks, Pascalle, and great job. As always.

  • Taymanator

    Oh, hey Wilde Life! Thank you for bringing me here. :P

    I thought that the A.I.s “Seeking” things was just goinf there and identifying them. I hope it doesnt end up killing them.

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