733 | What's the Password?

733 | What’s the Password?

September 28, 2014 | 9:49 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • sunphoenix

    HA! Trumped! Nice work Zap! Your more than just a cute face with a large heroic nose! :)

  • Speedy Marsh

    “Gunner is a doofus.”

    “Password accepted. Killing humans.”

  • Speedy Marsh

    Everyone go to sleep, so the site will stop crashing, so I can finish reading Zap!

    No? Dang. My psychic mind control isn’t working.

    I’ll just have to stay up till you all go to sleep. I’ll stay up all night if… ZZZZZzzzzz……..

  • ha ha…oh wait a minute, aren’t the stupid “humans” the problem?


  • safyrejet

    Oh Snap. Looks like your killing spree got halted.

    Just please tell me the password is not “12345”.

  • Oh wow, so this update is essentially EVERYTHING? :o
    So awesome!! …but at the same time, so sad!!

  • John Smith

    The password is always “Swordfish”! :)

  • Ryan

    Would it be too much to hope that the password is a 32768-bit number from a cryptographically secure hardware random number generator?

  • l33tninja

    I love that Zap ain’t dumb

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