745 | What Did He Do To Me?

745 | What Did He Do To Me?

September 28, 2014 | 10:05 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • darkfalcon3274

    Okay, I can’t see 734 or 744… I wonder if 754 will work for me?

    EDIT: 746 also failed.

  • Awww, pretty eyes.

  • You just have to keep reloading. The server is overloading with all these delicious pages.

  • Onigoshi

    He gave you HERPES!!!

  • Speedy Marsh

    No, even worse – Humanese!

  • safyrejet

    Well gosh, at least he picked a pretty deserted place to send you. I would have gone for sending you to a deserted desert barren landscape place.

  • It’s their homeworld. That’s the same field where Zap and Reona had their moment.

  • JasonAW3

    He got… Wait for it… ZAPPED!!!

  • Rainwall

    Oh no! He’s been turned…..moe…

  • Oh wow, it is WEIRD to see Gunner without the crazy yellow snake eyes.

  • Whisper

    Knew it as soon as I saw the flowers. Beautifully done.

  • ReBoot Fan

    I expected this. But how did Zap have the power to teleport them this far? Perhaps to stasis on board the Excelsior and then fly them here, but it looks like the same psychic burst.

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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