EPILOGUE 754 | The World of the Future

EPILOGUE 754 | The World of the Future

September 28, 2014 | 10:15 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • safyrejet

    I was hoping you’d fit in the Oh Poop alien one last time.

    Reona looks good with longer hair.

  • trashbandit

    Haha. Yes! The gremlin is back!

  • Destruct

    Hope he has Stickle insurance…..

  • Green Arrow

    Ganny? Why is your hair short? Noooooo!!!!

  • He’s all grow’d up now!

  • Coriandour

    Aw, Ganny looks so adorable with his new haircut!

  • Rexan

    The oh poop alien still needs a name.

    And… -sigh- Reona seems so tired, even after three years. There were a lot of trials in a short time for her and the rest of her crew.

  • ReBoot Fan

    Wait, the elementaros have hands?

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