EPILOGUE 755 | Life Went On

EPILOGUE 755 | Life Went On

September 28, 2014 | 10:16 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • You really slaughtered your server.
    Having to reload a dozen times before it kicks in.

  • safyrejet

    OH my gosh. SO much happy in those first two panels.!!!

    And that last panel. So much heartbreak.

  • trashbandit


    This would have to be one of my favourite updates from the whole series. So much background behind each slide. Or longing. Lots of longing in the last few.

  • Green Arrow

    *sniffle* Wuv, twue wuv! <3 you will be missed… RIP Zap.

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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