EPILOGUE 758 | The Future Is Now

EPILOGUE 758 | The Future Is Now

September 28, 2014 | 10:19 pm, by Pascalle Lepas


  • Zack

    There was never a love story of my childhood that could have let me be happy with miracle endings until now. I’m so happy he didn’t die forever.

    You’ve filled me with suspense and love over the years, and you ended it with tears. I’m going to miss Zap and Reona even more than missing you and Chris creating them for us.

    Thank you. I miss this story already and I’m so happy for this ending. <3

  • Awww, this is a really lovely ending.

    Kinda wish we could see Gunner and Naveed with a baby, though. Or two. Twins! Extra for Tumblr? Please? Pleeeeez???

  • Sayer

    I’m getting internal server error for some pages

  • the website is under heavy load right now. Try again later!

  • Erm, dude, why would you miss the Creators, when there’s a Wilde Life happening?
    Up your game

  • Ehol

    I AM S.P.E.E.C.H.L.E.S.S. … and in tears …

  • Thank you so much for sticking it out with us till the end. There’s always Wilde Life if you want to keep up with Pascalle and I believe my next project will be starting the first half of next year. I had to delay because of wedding and school and what not. So don’t be too sad.

  • Kindra Coates

    I couldn’t see an ending that didn’t destroy Zap’s inherent pacifist goofiness, but you two found it. Thanks for the story; it was wonderful (as the crowds of people crashing the server has proved today).

  • Speedy Marsh

    One last question. Years ago, Pascalle put “Chris is an idiot” or something like that at the bottom of one of the comics. What was that all about?

  • safyrejet

    That is highly satisfying and beautiful.

  • Brian

    It would make a great poster!

  • trashbandit

    Love it! :D

  • D.Flores

    Please make this page into a wall paper.

  • D. Flores

    Please make this page a wallpaper.

  • Vince Vale

    I love the story the ending but am a bit sad that there wont be more of this have really enjoyed reading it over the years thank you for giveing us such a wondfull tale

  • Bruudwin

    You’ve done goodwell :*( Thanks for all the memories over all this time with Zap, and hope to continue this awesome reader relationship with ya with Wilde Life!!!

  • Crestlinger

    Amor Vincit Omnia.

  • Psiberkiwi

    So -that’s- why I couldn’t get in – too many here before me. Oh well, you only had yourself to blame for making such a seriously good web-strip. Kudos to you and Chris for such a wonderful tale. :)

  • Singular

    Thanks, guys!

  • This needs a Wallpaper version. Beautiful.

  • Let’s see if It will attach to this comment…

  • Chris used to upload the pages and I used to hide things like that in them.

  • RubinCompServ

    Doesn’t seem to have attached :(

  • Speedy Marsh

    The tall original image would make a great smartphone wallpaper.

  • safyrejet

    Couldn’t you just crop the full size one?

  • safyrejet

    You’re awesome! Thank you!

  • Nokota

    I’m sorry but my only response to this ending was a great bit WTF. I was getting all ready for some kind of gigantic climax and then BOOM nothing and over. The hell? Seriously disappointing ending.

  • Mike

    Man, what a ride.

  • Derkins

    just beautiful

  • Tim

    This needs to be a movie. Or better! A trilogy! This is an amazing story!

  • Marduk

    This was a great work. A bit speechless about it all, so much to say but I’ll just say congrats, this webcomic meant a lot, and great job!

    Also I can’t stop thinking as this as their theme song. Someone make a freaking AMV plz


    Ah… Damn ninjas are chopping onions

  • Ah. this album. I haven’t listened to it in awhile!

  • TristanWhitehouse

    I’ve never commented here before, but I found this comic way back in college (sometime in 2003 or 2004) and have read it ever since. 758 pages is an amazing accomplishment! Zap has certainly been an inspiration to me throughout the years, and it’s bittersweet to see it end. Thank you for all the good times reading Zap! …I think I need to do some fanart.

  • RadBaron

    Testing on Chrome

  • Sam Three

    I love symmetry. Don’t think I didn’t notice that line! Thanks for one hell of a ride.

  • Green Arrow

    S. suprised.
    P. perfecshbluh.
    E. eh?
    E. ermergerd!
    C. cookies!
    H. heavenly.
    L. love. <3
    E. eureka!
    S. shut uup!
    S. shut the front door!
    Thank you… *bows*

  • l33tninja

    nice work, Guys.

  • Supreme Ü

    The Fridge Horror behind this ending is that it means Zap’s parents (or any other of his people) didn’t love him enough/miss him enough to re-assert themselves back into existence. :/

  • Yay! That was awesome!

    Let’s do it again :)

  • Pop Pip

    I am not crying… I just have an ocean in my eyes…

  • Devoidofsoul

    I know I am late to the game however I just read through the comic. Truly awesome story telling. You have a gift! I look forward to finding more of your talented work.

  • Targon

    There is something cumulatively magical about a concluded story.

    It is a virtue fast becoming a rarity in the webcomic medium nowadays, considering how easy it is to leave something like this undone. But it’s also what makes an ending in the league of what you guys have achieved here so much more memorable.

    A year and two months ago I found my way to Zap! and, over the course of two weeks, read your captivating work from start to finish. I’m not a harsh critic or a snob, but I know that years of engorging myself on everything from Atomic Robo to Feywinds to The Next Town Over has built up a somewhat haughty respect for a good story told well.

    But my first impressions were not strong. How could they be? The art was weak and the story shallow. With nothing but wistful comments and amnesia, Google would drown you in similar results. I gave it the first fifteen pages, it’s the done thing.

    But then there was Reona.

    Drawn with unmistakable passion, a want to do her justice, she was clearly a character that was, by her design, very important to someone. Right from the start the art began evolving, and the characters revealed themselves to be suspiciously deeper than they initially appeared to be. I thank my past self for riding it out.

    Endless praise will be sung for a webcomic with enrapturing art. But in my experience, the best comics are those that show the journey of an artist’s style. It endures you to them and their work, and is a brave statement on the artist’s part. Zap! embodies this perfectly. Your work stands, to me, as the fundamental example of growth in expertise, and by it’s conclusion, the sheer scale of emotion and beauty mirrored by the characters is inconceivably masterful.

    The intricately carved story revealed itself slowly. The threads were cleverly tethered start to finish, where complexity was forgone when simplicity would suffice. By the end, characters are well established, revealed in parts only applicable to their roles, making their interactions uncluttered and easy to follow and their agendas real and consuming.

    Love stories are a tricky thing. It’s easy to force two characters to be each others’ perfect fit, they can be made to be this way, molded by events of a larger design. And Zap and Reona are no different. But the incredible nature of their final pairing revealed a care for their feelings as characters, and broken ones at that, that made it feel more real that a lot of what I choose to read. You have achieved a true representation of love using its fairy tale elements, and this accomplishment shouldn’t be understated. It also cannot be attributed to script or art alone: The combination of both in so many of the final scenes wove together a work of paramount emotion.

    Gunner’s channeled PTSD, the adaption of Excelsior’s emotion state, Reona’s struggle with Efram before and after his return, it’s all hallmarked with a quality and understanding that can only come from a strong body of work on a deep foundation. By persevering with this and finishing it so well, you guys have gifted the webcomic community immeasurably. You should feel, if nothing else, an incredible sense of pride standing in the company of a very elite club.

    And why did I choose to write this only now? Because I’ve just finished it for the second time. Partly to reread one of my favourite stories, but also to remind myself of why someone should aspire. I hope to find in myself that sense of purpose, and invest in my own work as passionately as you guys have done here.

    I’ll be the first in two years to post here. I’ve no doubt this will never be read by anyone except those that are given notification.

    I hope this finds its way to you guys.

    As little as it may be worth, you have my respect and thanks.


  • gill

    Discovered this series last night after reading Wilde Life. Just finished. This series is incredible! I am totally planning on buying the books once I can so I can reread this series over and over again.

  • Rexan

    Whoa! It works so well as a wallpaper! Thanks!

  • Rexan

    Aaw, thank you. This was a more pleasant ending than expected.

    The writing and art both improved through the story and I appreciate both of you sticking with Zap! until the end. There are too many unfinished webcomics in the world, and it’s beyond pleasant to find/rediscover one that’s complete.

    Thank you, both of you, for sharing this with us. Wilde Life will probably be the next webcomic I read.

  • ReBoot Fan
  • Okay, so the art improved dramatically from start to end.
    Shame the plot was a mess, all the relationships felt forced, and the ending was so utterly arbitrary.

Vote for Zap! First Time Here?
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